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All content and images © Carolyn Croll 2011. All rights reserved.

All content and images are copyrighted material and may not be used in any manner without prior written
permission of Carolyn Croll. ©All rights reserved Carolyn Croll

January 6, 2012

2012 So Far

 ⓒCarolyn Croll 2012/ Silkworm with 
Mulberry (after Maria Sibylla Merian)
Six days in.
So far: 

Discovered my lovely 
blood-red Bokara, scored 
on sale when Wanamakers 
went out of business years ago,
totaled by wool moths.

Imbibing massive amounts 
of chicken soup, tea w/lemon 
and honey. Gargling through
my annual head cold.

Received an email requesting
permission to use "part" of a 
piece of my sample art from 
the internetafter the requester 
had lifted, altered and used 
it twice
Permission denied. 
Property of a client.

Another year begins........ ACHOO!


  1. Thanks, Tristan.
    I am honored.

    Done for my Maria Sibylla Merian book.
    Title page art.
    Almost finished when suddenly canceled.
    Victim of current publishing trends. :~/
