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February 16, 2009

Tricks Of The Trade

Early in elementary school, my favorite (and ONLY) niece, Anna asked me how come her water color paintings got all wrinkley while mine were flat? 

So I introduced her to good watercolor paper, coldpress (rough texture) and hot press (smooth texture) and showed her how I tape or staple gun down the edges to a board before beginning to paint so the paper dries tight like a drum.

The only kid in her class to know how to stretch watercolor paper.

Nothing's too good for my favorite niece. ;-)

My illustration from Questions, by Lee Bennett Hopkins,


  1. The next question I had was more difficult to answer though... "How come when I paint water colors they are not nearly as good as yours?"

    I never knew an answer so I took up photography :)

    xx a

  2. Will you share your trick with your readers?
