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February 19, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast

Fred at 4 mos.

Frederico Feliney is 6 years old. 

Freddie is a very sweet and helpful cat. 
He taps me on the knee or arm when he 
wants my attention. 
If he draws blood and I leap out of my seat, 
I also know his nails need clipping. 

Many mornings at 3am he'll gently tap on 
my shoulder, asking if I'm not quite asleep 
might I rub his belly? He walks round and 
round till he finds the right position to 
flop down, over and belly up. Too funny 
and sweet. OK, so he's trained me perfectly!  

Fred is also interested in Physics. 
Not a day goes by that he doesn't 
experiment with gravity, pushing 
objects off flat surfaces with his nose,
filling the newly created vacuum 
with himself. He will also go to any 
lengths (and/or heights) to explore 
the mysterious moving light reflected 
from my watch face in late afternoon 
when the sun is in the west window.

Freddie is modest. Never seeks 
the limelight, just a few Whisker Lickins 
crunchy snacks. When not in scholarly 
pursuit he can be found sleeping in a 
window high above the city or beneath 
the fold where the bedspread meets the rug. 
His retreat revealed only by an exposed tail. 

Buon Compleanno, mio gattino!!  =^..^=

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