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All content and images © Carolyn Croll 2011. All rights reserved.

All content and images are copyrighted material and may not be used in any manner without prior written
permission of Carolyn Croll. ©All rights reserved Carolyn Croll

September 28, 2010

Cat Wrangling 101

Time to visit the Vet and the game of 
CATch as CATch can is on.
Two players at a time. One a cat. 
Direct approach never works. 
Too many low places where I can't follow. 
Feigning interest in something else, never 
making cat eye contact. 
Gradually moving towards and often
past the cat. 
Gauging the time/space ratio. 
Deftly grasping wriggling yowling 
and possibly hissing animal. 
Depositing same into carrier. WHEW!! 
Point, match, game. 
(Note: Tizzy meowing a few times then quieting for
the trip. Freddie, singing loudly with great pathos, 
pronouncing "ME-YOW" all the way over and
all the way back.)
Two cats. One round each. Two rounds in six days. 
Now must give Fred a pill TWICE a day. 
Its only day six of ten.  :-(

Providing lots of practice. =^..^=  =^..^=

September 19, 2010


Found this strange lump at the bottom of my bed
this morning. With all the daily bed bug hoopla 
I thought I'd better check.........

Carefully pulled back the spread and discovered......

Its a CAT bug. A big ol' Freddie cat bug with 
a new place to nap.

September 15, 2010

Buon Compleanno Carissimo Tomassino!

        Wishing Tomie DePaola a very 
    Happy Birthday!!

    XXXXXXXXOOOOOOOO, Carolina di Filli

September 1, 2010

Children's Book Publishing, Answering Some Basic Questions

Like all my colleagues in the children's book field,
prospective authors and  illustrators frequently 
contact me. Wanting to know everything from how 
to find an illustrator for their story to critiquing their
manuscript to naming someone at a publishing house 
to whom a manuscript might be sent. 
Not wanting to be unkind or seem ungracious, but
needing  time for my own work, I thought it might 
help to answer some of the most often
asked questions.

1. If you have written a story but have no intention
of illustrating it as well, do not worry. If a publisher
is interested they know where to find Illustrators.
Illustrators provide samples of their work through
agents, websites, blogs, professional "catalogs"
and professional networking. Just follow the 
submission policies of the particular publisher and
send a copy of your story with the appropriate cover
letter. If accepted an Illustrator will be provided. 
This system also protects the illustrator as they and 
the author will each have a contract.

2. All children's book publishers maintain webites
where you can learn about what sort of books they 
publish and how to submit your story and whether 
or not they accept unsolicited manuscripts.

3. Just because someone knows someone who works 
in the field does not mean they have any ability to help 
you "jump the queue". Chances are, they will refer you 
to children's book publishing web sites like The Purple 
Crayon or books like 
Children's Writers and Illustrators Market There is no magic "key" to 
getting a manuscript accepted. Even authors with 
previously published books may have a manuscript 
rejected. That doesn't necessarily mean that it won't 
be accepted elsewhere. 

4. Even in a prosperous year, publishers accept anywhere
from a tiny number of unsolicited manuscripts to none. 
Again, check the particular "house" policies on their websites.

5. Asking a published illustrator or author to review and 
or critique your work is a time consuming task and may 
be an imposition. Some are willing to do this for a fee 
and you should look to see if this service is mentioned 
on their website or blog. Just remember that they cannot 
guarantee acceptance of your work nor can you use
their name without permission as part of your submission.

6. In my experience, books get accepted when the stars and 
planets are in alignment. To be honest, there are instances 
when even accepted books are canceled. Sometimes for 
unknown reasons. It is important that you do your 
"homework" and understand that publishing is after all 
business, driven these days primarily by  marketing 

I hope this has been useful. 
Please, leave a comment if you have an additional question 
or comment regarding this subject. 

However, I am not reviewing individual manuscripts 
or portfolios at this time. 

Welcoming September

first day of pre school, from MY GIANT PRESCHOOL  Lift The Flap Book

School starting, leaves changing color.
Socks, sweaters and corduroy. 
OK, not today.... but coming soon.
It may still be 95 and humid, but cooler
days are coming. 
Today feels like New Year's to me.

click to enlarge and see the Hamsters