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permission of Carolyn Croll. ©All rights reserved Carolyn Croll

September 2, 2013


Because our Mom was the apple of her Daddy's eye,

Mom on her Daddy's shoulder, Atlantic City, NJ around 1926.
He wanted her to have the best of everything.
Mom loved music.
So when she was eight years old, her Dad bought her a
And it was GRAND! Actually, a small grand piano,
made by one of the best piano makers in the world.

Mom, age about 5 or 6, a few years behore she got her pian
Mom learned to play her beautiful piano.

She had it all her life. 
When she married.

Mom about 20, just before marriage.
Had the 4 of us.

We all played UNDER the piano.

We plunked keys.
Some of us took lessons...but only sister Susan
was good at it.

We moved 8 times growing up and Mom's piano
always went with us. It was restored, keys replaced
and refinished. Originally black, then rich auburn.
After each move, Mom had it tuned.

Sadly, Mom left us at the end of May.
Couldn't take anything with her, not even her
precious piano.

We are looking for a new home for her piano.