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October 6, 2010

Saturday In Washington Square

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In Washington Square last Saturday.
Pigeons swooping.

Boat sailing.

Squirrels looking for peanuts.

Missed the photo op of the big black Lab/Newfie
mix who ate up all the bread crumbs we'd
scattered for the birds. 
I'd name that dog,
Hoover!! (or Dyson)  :   ̴ )


  1. Sounds like you had a nice visit with Washington Square.

  2. A favorite place in the city to watch people and (often) their dogs and feed birds and squirrels. Its also a Revolutionary War cemetery and is catty-corner to Independence Hall Park. A good place for thinking while

  3. Crazy. I just stumbled on your blog (probably from fiberfarm's blog) and guess what, you're in Philadelphia, my home town. Spent many happy hours eating lunch in washington Square - my office was at 4th and Chestnut. Long Time Ago. Hello1

  4. Hi Woolies,
    Thanks for taking the time to write and let me know.
