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All content and images © Carolyn Croll 2011. All rights reserved.

All content and images are copyrighted material and may not be used in any manner without prior written
permission of Carolyn Croll. ©All rights reserved Carolyn Croll

October 25, 2010

A Goost Story

My Mom tells about the Parent/ Teacher Night
student art exhibit long ago. Immediately she
knew which piece was mine.
It wasn't my signature nor obvious artistic talent
providing the clue......

A facsimile as the original is long gone.

Spelling, not one of my better subjects. ;-)

October 24, 2010

Trick Or Treating, BC

My illustration from THE UNEXPECTED GRANDCHILDREN, by Jane Flory, Houghton Mifflin

Trick or treating from the third 
book I illustrated, written by my 
dear old friend and mentor, 
Jane Flory.
(See November 25, 2008 post 
"All Her Fault")
I put Jane's old house which 
really was 1814 Beech Ave. in 
the illustrations and used her 
wonderful old tuxedo cat, Pious 
in the pictures as well.

Many memories looking at these 
pictures. Lots of knitting and 
crocheting as well as love, not 
only in the story itself, but 
making it all into this book.
Neither one of us could have 
imagined "posting" any of 
this on my "blog" on the
"internet". It all happened **BC. 
**(before computers)

Jane Flory

October 17, 2010


Don't know which is 

scarier this year, the 
upcoming election or 
Halloween. Both have 
pumpkin heads, witches, 
bogeymen, ghosts 
and werewolves.
Halloween is the one 
with candy.
Trick or Treat!

my illustrations from QUESTIONS, by Lee Bennett Hopkins, HarperCollins

                              (click on images to enlarge)

October 6, 2010

Saturday In Washington Square

       (you can click on images to enlarge)

In Washington Square last Saturday.
Pigeons swooping.

Boat sailing.

Squirrels looking for peanuts.

Missed the photo op of the big black Lab/Newfie
mix who ate up all the bread crumbs we'd
scattered for the birds. 
I'd name that dog,
Hoover!! (or Dyson)  :   ̴ )