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All content and images © Carolyn Croll 2011. All rights reserved.

All content and images are copyrighted material and may not be used in any manner without prior written
permission of Carolyn Croll. ©All rights reserved Carolyn Croll

July 27, 2009

Temporary Turmoil

 original art © Carolyn Croll, may not be reproduced 
 without permission of the artist

Beginning almost two weeks of deconstructing
my apartment. Including my studio. The big day,
August 5 (unless it rains).
Clearing a path for workmen. All in preparation
for replacement of all windows, frames and sash.
Tricky business. Transitioning from knowing
where everything is to I'll find it again when
this is all over.
When Mom went through this in her building
she called it"The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers".

(Did I mention we are on the 37th floor?)

But then again, maybe a new window on the world
will be refreshing. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your construction! I've been through that many times, and even though worth it in the end, it's always an ordeal!
