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November 4, 2008

Squirrel Speak

Election Day. Mom never received her absentee ballot,
so after I did my civic duty I stuffed my pocket with
peanuts (in the shell)and set off to escort her to the polls.

The peanuts were for the Squirrels in her park, not Mom.

It was raining lightly and they were still busy gathering
acorns that the last big wind brought down.

Have I inadvertently learned a bit of Squirrel-speak?
I made a sort of kissing sound. The Squirrel approached.
I tossed my peanut.

Accepted with a momentary gaze of appreciation before
dashing away

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from California,

    It is a great pleasure to visit your delightful blog for the first time. You are a very talented illustrator and your cats are very sweet.
