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All content and images © Carolyn Croll 2011. All rights reserved.

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permission of Carolyn Croll. ©All rights reserved Carolyn Croll

November 29, 2016


Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy March are dear old friends. 
With me nearly all my life. 
They have remained in my heart and mind since our first encounter, a century after Louisa May Alcott published LITTLE WOMEN and now that more than 50 years more have passed. 

My dear English friend Rosalind once confided that she always identified with Meg. Perfect casting! 
On the other hand, I've always found solace in Jo's trials and comfort in her all to familiar tribulations.

Revisit them frequently in the well worn pages of my ancient copy of this favorite book.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Louisa May Alcott!! November 29, 1832, Germantown, PA (outside Philadelphia)

May 7, 2016



            🌺 HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY !!! 🌺

My Mom, her Mom (left), her Mom (middle) and Me. Four generations!!

Great Grandmother Sarah (middle) once told me that she had seen Queen Victoria
pass by in her carriage during her Diamond Jubilee in London, England. During the
present Queen's Jubilee I found a map on the internet showing Queen Victoria's route
through the East End of London. Likely, along which my Great Grandmother saw her.


   From Queen Victoria's Scrapbook

March 12, 2016


Fire Alarm Wednesday night. 
Only this time there was SMOKE in the hallway. 
Hearts racing, 
Cats yowling!! 
Stuffed the Cat Boys in their carriers and headed
into the fire tower across the hall. 
Worried how to get the 3 of us down 30-some concrete flights 
with my very sore left hip. 
The tower door opened 
and a fully kitted out Philly Fireman said, 
"Thought I heard Cats!" 
Emergency over, fire in a dryer on 6.
Back home. Whew!!