Yesterday, a neighbor stopped me saying,
"You speak French don't you?"
Have NO inkling what gave her THAT idea.
She needed something pronounced correctly.
Yikes!! I can make true French speakers cry
with my attempts.
Only on rare extreme emergency occasions
have I jumped a language barrier, tossed
syntax, case, tense and shame to the wind.
Like that day tour to Oxfordshire and Blenheim
Palace from London some years ago.
A French family, une grandmere, grandpere,
petit-fils et une tante were on the bus
and clearly didn't understand an English word
our guide spoke.
At first, I kept silent, only wanting to enjoy
the trip. But the guide was brusque and
increasingly agitated at French family
members quietly chatting while she held
forth about the sights.
When we alit just below Bladon Church,
where Winston Churchill is buried.
The French folks were clueless.
No idea where we were or why.
Sidling up to the Aunt, as we walked up
the hill, I tossed caution and pride to the wind.
"Excusez moi, Madame" I said. "Winston
Churchill est mort dans cette eglise"
("Winston Churchill is dead in this church.")
OK, I just couldn't remember the French for
cemetery -cimetiere - on such short notice.
La Tante immediately spread the news and
much to the disgust of our British guide,
I became the French family's new
best friend.
At Blenheim Palace I related how "La Reine
Anne d'Angleterre a donne cet chateaux aux
John Churchill, le premier Duc de Marlborough
pour (hmm, how do I say "defeating"?) drawing my
finger across my throat - les soldats de Louis XIV!!"
My reward for courage and nerve was
an ice cream cone avec mes nouveaux amis
and un grande "MERCI !" as I left the bus
at Marble Arch back in London.
Who knew 2 years of barely passed high school French
would come in handy one day.